Firefighters Memorial

  • Mill: HOE
  • Weight: 13 oz.
  • Notes:

    This tartan is an exclusive design, copyrighted by USA Kilts.

    Designed as a salute to firefighters everywhere in the world, who are ready to sacrifice their lives every day for the protection of others. It was designed to memorialize those firefighters who have already made the ultimate sacrifice. The red background represents fire and the fire trucks. Black is in remembrance of those who have fallen in the line of duty. Green and gold represent the Irish community which has strong ties with the organization and the fire fighting occupation. Lastly, the three red lines in the middle of each square are 3 red threads, 4 red threads and three red threads - representing the 343 NYFD firefighters who lost their lives on 11th September 2001 - the largest number of firefighters who ever perished in a single day in the history of the United States. A portion of all sales of this tartan will be donated to Firefighters' charities.